Ultra Performant WordPress Hosting for Your Membership Site

Your site has unique technical needs:

Lots of heavy plugins, hundreds of concurrent users, traffic spikes…

Big box hosting companies don’t even know about these needs, let alone how to address them properly.

But we do. Click on the button below to learn how we can help you, too.

Experts in the following tools

“OMG it's so fast!”

Janet, HandweavingAcademy.com

Custom Configured - Just For You

We custom configure each hosting environment just for you—based on your site’s unique tech stack and requirements.

The majority of hosting companies out there try to make everyone happy with one-size-fits-all solutions and aggressive caching.

But here at MemberHost, we are totally obsessed with one thing:

Providing enterprise level performance—at non-enterprise prices!—for “transactionally heavy” WordPress sites, such as:


All website hosting plans include:

Raise Your Speed Score & Google Web Vitals

Our hosting stack outperforms the vast majority of popular hosting providers on critical performance metrics like TTFB, FCP, Start Render, Web Vitals, Speed Index, Total Page Load time, etc.

Concurrent Users
No More Crashes When It Counts The Most

The Achilles Heel of transactionally heavy sites is sudden performance crashes when too many users login. MemberHost supports vastly more concurrent users than conven-tional hosts. All without skipping a beat.

No More Downtime Due To Server Outages

We combine industry leading infrastructure with Failover Sync technology to ensure that your site is always up! Even if your main server goes down, DNS instantly switches over to an optional, fully synced secondary server.

Keep Hackers and Bad Actors Out For Good!

In our benchmarks we are the only provider who consistently scores
“A” on security tests. We also advise our customers on which
Word-Press plugins to stay away from to stay safe.


What our clients say about us

“OMG It's so fast! “

Janet, handweavingacademy.com